PanCan Twilight 5k and Sunset Stroll presented by Tidewater Physical Therapy
A new twist on an old favorite, this TWILIGHT run will be held at the Hog Neck Golf Course on Saturday, August 17th. The race will start around sunset (7:30 pm) to ensure that everyone has the full experience. Your course will be lighted by a full moon and by lights on the course.

Chestertown Challenge Half Marathon Run and 5K Run/Walk
Benefits the Kent Association of Riding Therapy (KART) was founded in 1984 to help children and adults with special needs enhance their social and developmental growth. KART uses a multi-faceted program involving therapeutic horseback riding, grooming and caring for the horse, and comprehensive classroom instruction.

Chesapeake Bay Paddle - hosted by Kent Island Outrigger Canoe Club
The race will benefit Chesapeake Conservancy’s efforts to designate the Chesapeake Bay as a National Park, WaterKeepers Chesapeake to help keep the waters and rivers of the Bay healthy and Oyster Recovery Partnership’s work to plant 10 billion oysters in the Bay.

45th Mike Sterling 10k/5k
Please join us for the 45th Annual Mike Sterling 10k Race / 5k Race / 10k Ruck to be held in Crisfield, MD during the annual National Hard Crab Derby. The race will begin and end at the Crisfield City Dock at the end of Rt. 413. Runners, walkers, and ruckers will enjoy a fast, flat course that meanders thru the City of Crisfield as well as the neighborhoods and along the waterfront outskirts. Water stops will be provided at three locations along our route.